Are you worried about the flu that is going around right now? You may have even received the flu shot. Did you know that this year’s flu shot may only be 40-60% effective against the flu?
Symptoms of the flu are fever, sore throat, muscle aches, chills, fatigue, coughing, and weakness. If you start feeling these symptoms, see your doctor to be tested. Whether are not you received the flu shot, you should be vigilant to reduce your chances or getting the flu (and colds).
The best way to reduce your chances of exposure to the flu virus are as follows:
- Be sure to avoid contact with infected people.
- Wash your hands often.
- Clean surfaces of areas that may have the flu virus (such as grocery store carts, telephones, etc).
Already feeling sick? Try these food healing tips:
- A Ginger Rub may help with prolonged cough and built up mucus. Ginger’s healing properties increase circulation and help loosen phlegm. Mix 1 tablespoon of powdered ginger with 1 tablespoon of non-petrolated petroleum jelly (found at a health food store). Spread it on the chest and cover with a shirt.
- Drinking 2 cups of ginger tea is also effective to help reduce cough.
- Garlic gauze foot pads are a great anti-viral treatment for night. Chop 10 cloves of fresh garlic into small pieces (don’t mash it). Place it on the surface of 2 gauze pads. Coat the soles of your feet with olive oil so the garlic doesn’t irritate them. Tape the garlic gauze pads to the soles of your feet with gauze tape and cover with socks. Leave them on overnight.
- Upon the first sign of a tickle in your throat, boil water and breathe in the steam within the first two hours. I learned many years ago that if I steam my nostrils in the 1st two hours of feeling sick, I can eliminate a sore throat and avoid a cold.
- Taking an Elderberry supplement or drinking Elderberry syrup could help reduce the length of time you have symptoms as well as protect you against a cold or the flu.
To learn some ways to boost your immune system, contact us for our most recent email discussing this.
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